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The Wider Garden

The work of Marion Woodman and BodySoul Rhythms® has spread far and wide. 

We invite works which have been influenced by this work

and in support of the Conscious Feminine. 

Pink Flowers Illustration

The Kore Goddess: A Mythology & Psychology
by Safron Rossi

The Kore Goddess is an archetypal study of this overlooked mythic and psychic pattern. Also known as the Maiden or Virgin, the Kore personifies a state of youthful being in which a person becomes one-in-herself. In this book I apply Jungian depth psychology to ancient Greek imagery and trace the reemergence of this figure in contemporary individuation and soul-making. Our relationship to the Kore brings a sense of vitality, sovereignty, as well as connection to the interior rhythms of life.


To read more about the book and to order your copy visit Winter Press.

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