Psyche's Circle
Experiential Study Group
with Andrea Wells MFT
Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, and Nov 4 2022
11AM - 1PM PST
Online via Zoom
“The true gifts of the unconscious are hard won; revelations of the mysterium tremendum are more than most of us can bear. We cannot roam with abandon in the precincts of the spirit. ~~~~Our vessel must be such that we can receive and hold these enormous influences. Soul takes up residence on earth in our bodies, affects, and imagination – and in human wisdom and logic.”
-Nancy J. Dougherty and Jacqueline J. West
Psyche’s Circle participants will delve deep into excerpts from written works of Marion Woodman, with a sprinkling of other favorites.
Deep inquiry and discussion allow each woman to discover and experience an awareness of her own soul’s inner gold, shadow, complexes, and guiding dream images. Bodysoul dreamwork practices; movement, art, and writing, and Active Imagination provide for the experiential expression of soul as we explore, discover, embody and bridge the inner and outer worlds.
Tuition: $485.00
Registration/ Payment due September 1st, 2022.
CEU’s :10 units pending approval
ZELLE 8312349106
VENMO: @Andrea-Wells-39
*please add PayPal fees if using a credit card
Andrea Wells