Happy Spring!
We on the Board of the Marion Woodman Foundation would like to share with you our progress and recent changes to our website. First the whole organizational structure of the Board has transformed. We on the Board have become a working Board. There’s no longer an office person. We on the Board are the office. This was done to preserve the Marion Woodman Foundation. The offices expenses were eating away at the capital of the Foundation and threatened to bankrupt it. So, we took drastic action. Lori who had been our office person decided to retire. We as the Board made the difficult decision to not replace her but do the work ourselves. Now if you have problem that needs personal attention you are welcome to contact one of us on the Board.
We have worked hard to update our online presence. We have created a new website and hired a website manager.
We encourage you to submit postings, announcements, writings, blogs,
books and articles as well as videos to our new website!
For books: a clear image of the book cover, a link to where to order the book, a short description
For other media: a link to the video/podcast etc., and a short description
For workshops: the post needs to be post-ready, edited with the image that you wish to use.
Madelyn, our website person’s role is to post to the website. Posting can be sent to office@mwoodmanfoundation.org. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact one of us on the Board.
Please join us in continuing the growth of the Foundation.
Warmest Wishes,
Jean Palmer-Daley, President of the Board of the Marion Woodman Foundation - jpalmerdaley@gmail.com
Polly Howells, Secretary - phows@aol.com
Cindy Jacobs, Treasurer - cindyjjacobs@gmail.com
Benedicte Lampe, Liaison with BodySoul Europe - benelampe@yahoo.com
Sarah Przekwas- sprzekwas@gmail.com
Marie Francoise d’Hubert - dhubert.mariefrancoise@orange.fr
Looking forward to working with all of you in this new platform!